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1 to 8 of 8 Results
Oct 27, 2021 - Miscellaneous
International Fertilizer Development, 2003, "IFDC Report, Volume 28, No. 1",, Dataverse, V1
Table of Contents: 1 - Togolese Farmer Innovators Harvest Benefits of Integrated Soil Fertility Management 2 - Father of the Green Revolution Presents IFDC’s Third Travis P. Hignett Memorial Lecture 3 - Urea Deep Placement Technology Increases Farmers’ Yields and Enhances Quality...
Oct 27, 2021 - Miscellaneous
International Fertilizer Development, 2003, "IFDC Report, Volume 28, No. 2",, Dataverse, V1
Table of Contents: 1 - A Regional Input Market (MIR) Project Paves the Way for Regional Integration in West Africa 3 - An IFDC-Developed Decision Support System Analyzes Options for Direct Application of Phosphate Rock 3 - Integrated Soil Fertility Management Slated to be Focus o...
Oct 27, 2021 - Miscellaneous
Borlaug, Norman, 2003, "Feeding a World of 10 Billion People: The TVA Legacy",, Dataverse, V1
Physical Description: 32 pages Travis P. Hignett Memorial Lecture
Oct 27, 2021 - Annual Reports
IFDC Staff, 2003, "2002/03 IFDC Corporate Report",, Dataverse, V1
Table of Contents: A Conversation with E. Travis York, Chairman of the Board - 1 A Conversation With Amit H. Roy, President and Chief Executive Officer - 9 What We Do—Our Program Goals - 16 How We Work - 26 IFDC Mixes the Right Ingredients for “Bread for Peace” Reaping Results Wi...
Oct 27, 2021 - Presentations
Borlaug, N. E., 2003, "Feeding a World of 10 Billion People: The TVA/IFDC Legacy",, Dataverse, V1
Table of Contents: Introduction - 1 TVA’s Agricultural Resource Development Program - 2 Creation of IFDC - 3 Agriculture and Population - 4 Food Production and the Role of Science - 5 The Green Revolution - 7 Africa Is the Greatest Challenge Today - 9 Future Increases in Food Dem...
Oct 27, 2021 - IFDC Staff Publications
International Fertilizer Development, 2003, "An Action Plan for Developing Agricultural Input Markets in Uganda",, Dataverse, V1
Table of Contents: Preface - iii Executive Summary - ix I. Introduction - 1 II. The Agricultural Input Markets in Uganda: An Assessment - 7 III. An Action Plan for Developing AIMs in Uganda - 32 IV. Institutional Arrangements for Implementing the Action Plan - 44 V. Linkages With...
Oct 27, 2021 - IFDC Staff Publications
International Fertilizer Development, 2003, "Input Subsidies and Agricultural Development: Issues and Options for Developing and Transitional Economies",, Dataverse, V1
Table of Contents: Foreword - iii Abstract - viii I. Introduction - 1 II. History of Agricultural Subsidies - 5 III. Arguments for Fertilizer Subsidies - 7 IV. Arguments Against Fertilizer Subsidies - 9 V. IFDC Experiences in Dealing With Fertilizer Subsidies - 12 VI. Market-Frie...
Oct 27, 2021 - IFDC Staff Publications
Roy, Amit H., 2003, "The Rebuilding of Afghanistan's Agriculture: The IFDC Solution",, Dataverse, V1
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