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1 to 10 of 10 Results
Oct 27, 2021 - Fertilizer Reports
Bindraban, Prem S.; VFRC, 2015, "VFRC preliminary evaluation of the feasibility of using geospatial information to refine soil fertility recommendations",, Dataverse, V1
Oct 27, 2021 - Fertilizer Reports
Bindraban, Prem S.; Bindraban, Prem S.; Christian O. Dimkpa; VFRC, 2015, "Nanoscale Micronutrients Suppress Disease",, Dataverse, V1
Oct 27, 2021 - Miscellaneous
International Fertilizer Development, 2015, "IFDC Magazine, Volume 40, No. 4",, Dataverse, V1
Table of Contents: Briquette Production: Very Profitable in Bangladesh Kobita Pal: “Hope When There Wasn’t Any” AAPI Receives 15-Month Extension ICT for Agriculture AIMS III: Fertilizer to Farmers PAN-PNSEB Improves Fertilizer Use in Burundi New Equipment Increases Farmers’ Busin...
Oct 27, 2021 - Miscellaneous
International Fertilizer Development, 2015, "IFDC Magazine, Volume 40, No. 3",, Dataverse, V1
Table of Contents: 11--Training Yields Empowerment: Hazera’s Success 12--FSI+ Launches: An Interview with COP Grahame Hunter 15--CATALIST-Uganda Improves Rice Production and Incomes 16--Food for Thought: Interview with an Ethiopian Entrepreneur 17--AIMS III Farmer Benefits from G...
Oct 27, 2021 - Miscellaneous
International Fertilizer Development, 2015, "IFDC Magazine, Volume 40, No. 2",, Dataverse, V1
Table of Contents: 8--Reflections from the CEO 11--AWD Offers an Irrigation Alternative 12--IFDC-Founded Trade Association Flourishes in Bangladesh 13--UDP Adoption Leads to Urea Savings in Bangladesh 15--2SCALE Partner Wins EntrepreneurshipAward 16--Million Dollar Maize for Babi...
Oct 27, 2021 - Miscellaneous
International Fertilizer Development, 2015, "IFDC Magazine, Volume 40, No. 1",, Dataverse, V1
Table of Contents: 8--Reflections from the CEO 11--Briquetting Machine Brings Hope of Higher Yields in Myanmar 12--MoU Signing Brings Technology Package to Farmers 13--Fertilizer Retailer Increases Sales with UDP 15--Qualified Seed Training Benefits Tanzanian Farmers 16--2SCALE B...
Oct 27, 2021 - Fertilizer Reports
International Fertilizer Development, 2015, "Effects of Nutrient Antagonism and Synergism of Fertilizer Use",, Dataverse, V1
Oct 27, 2021 - Fertilizer Reports
Bindraban, Prem S.; VFRC, 2015, "Digital mapping of soil nutrients for the Republics of Burundi and Rwanda",, Dataverse, V1
Oct 27, 2021 - Fertilizer Reports
Bindraban, Prem S.; NA; Bindraban, Prem S.; VFRC, 2015, "Beyond N and P: Toward a Land Resource Ecology Perspective and Impactful Fertilizer Interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa",, Dataverse, V1
Oct 27, 2021 - Annual Reports
IFDC Staff, 2015, "2014 IFDC Annual Report",, Dataverse, V1
Table of Contents: IFDC Around the World - 2 2014 Highlights - 3 2015 IFDC Board of Directors - 4 Message from the Chairman of the Board and the President and Chief Executive Officer - 5 Dr. Amit Roy: Leader, Mentor, Friend - 6 2014 Activities Align with Strategic Plan - 8 IFDC C...
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