1 to 5 of 5 Results
Oct 27, 2021 - Miscellaneous
International Fertilizer Development, 2006, "IFDC Report, Volume 31, No. 1", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.13038/FK2/QSDVTF, Dataverse, V1
Table of Contents: 1 - Global Leaders Plan Strategy for An African Green Revolution The Historic Abuja Declaration Calls for Lifting of Taxes on Fertilizer 8 - IFDC Progress in Central Asia: Agricultural Intensification and Marketing in Albania, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan; Developing... |
Oct 27, 2021 - Miscellaneous
International Fertilizer Development, 2006, "IFDC Report, Volume 31, No. 2", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.13038/FK2/SLYHNU, Dataverse, V1
Table of Contents: 1 - Netherlands Will Promote Peace and Environmental Stability by Intensifying Farm Production in the Great Lakes—Africa’s Most Impoverished Region 1 - The Abuja Declaration 6 - IFDC and GIS Help African Farmers 7 - IFDC Sponsors Policy Workshop on Challenges i... |
Oct 27, 2021 - Annual Reports
IFDC Staff, 2006, "2005/06 IFDC Corporate Report", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.13038/FK2/92QMQD, Dataverse, V1
Table of Contents: Message From the Board Chairman and the President and Chief Executive Officer - 1 Highlights of the Africa Fertilizer Summit - 5 Project Highlights of 2005/06 - 27 Farmers and Soil Fertility Management - 28 Private Sector Development - 45 Project Portfolio - 68... |
Oct 27, 2021 - IFDC Staff Publications
International Fertilizer Development, 2006, "Restoring Kosovo's Agriculture Sector After Conflict--IFDC's Involvement", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.13038/FK2/YW8MK3, Dataverse, V1
Table of Contents: Background and Program Rationale - 1 Introduction - 4 Objectives Achieved in KADP/KFPP - 11 Kosovo Agribusiness Development Program - 11 Kosovo Feed for Poultry Project - 27 Bibliography - 40 Acronyms and Abbreviations - 43 |
Oct 27, 2021 - IFDC Staff Publications
International Fertilizer Development, 2006, "Subvention des intrants et développement de l'agriculture", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.13038/FK2/HCPJYE, Dataverse, V1
Table of Contents: Avant-propos - iii Résumé - viii I. Introduction - 1 II. Histoire des subventions agricoles - 5 III. Arguments en faveur de la subvention des engrais - 8 IV. Arguments contre la subvention des engrais - 10 V. L’expérience de l’IFDC en matière de subvention des... |