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1 to 2 of 2 Results
May 3, 2022 - N-ALLyzer
Pavan, Willingthon, 2022, "NIR Peanut Paste Exercices",, Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:i4S+DHAtpzRoHk9dq558Ng== [fileUNF]
NIR Peanut Paste Exercices
Oct 8, 2021 - N-ALLyzer
Pavan, Willingthon, 2021, "N-ALLyzer app prototype launched across multiple platforms",, Dataverse, V1
The N-Allyzer app prototype was successfully launched and is running on multiple platforms. When a user uses the App, N-Allyzer corrects the exposure and adjusts tonal levels to compensate for low contrast and poor lighting conditions. Different filters are then applied to optimi...
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